Thursday, June 21, 2007

Footnotes - first few days

Classic quote number one: on Wednesday night after a long day we are sitting in the restaurant surrounded by people and Sammie belts out at the top of her lungs:

"So Dad do you have a job yet?" Needless to say Laura and I burst out laughing.

Dispatches from Sammie's camera #1:

Picture #1 - don't ask.
#2 - observe Lucas
#3 - no I'm not vain
#4 we'll work on framing later....


Karen and Maris said...

Wow, what a fabulous vacation you are having. The pictures are wonderful, everyone looks great! The kids seem like real troopers. Laura, hope you are feeling better.
We will anxiously await your next entry.
Love, mom & dad

Liz said...

Hey you guys - how goes it? Spent today W/ Suz - she is great!!
Mariners killing the Red Sox. Yahoo!
My puppies are darling - cleaning carpet tomorrow. Oh Well. Love Mom amd Grammie