Sunday, July 15, 2007

Day 12 - Madison and the Mississippi

Sorry for the delay once again – but as most of you know once we hit Ann Arbor we were like a group shot out of a cannon. As of today, Wednesday, July 11, we have most of our major tasks on our check list completed and I am on a flight to Las Vegas. But all of that info will follow later. First, the much anticipated (yawn) last few days of our cross-country exodus….

Saturday, June 30th, 2007. We got off fairly early and were on the road by 8:30 – a monumental task for us. The trip across Minnesota was pock-marked with Fireworks super stores and corn fields and very flat. Once we crossed the Mississipi and came into Wisconsin we were officially East-Coasters. An incredibly wide river with an amazing amount of inlets. I can’t imagine how it could have been navigated in the “old days” without GPS. Anyways the day was long and the driving fairly boring – flat with corn fields everywhere you look. We were greeted along the road by some kindred spirits. A Van with a Michigan or Bust sign on the back with Oregon bumper stickers. It may have been the Bizarro Weintraub clan – we sped by and tried not to look – afraid that in some way we might disrupt the time space continuum. Anyways….our destination for the night was Laura’s old college friend and their family. We pulled into Madison on a wonderfully pleasant day – not too hot. Madison is a very nice college town – pretty old streets lined with trees. We got to Peggy’s house around 4pm and were greeted by her 5 children in their front yard. It took Sammie and Lucas a few minutes to realize that they actually had some kids to play with - instead of their irritated parents. Then it was all fun and games and some precious moments of relaxation for the parents. Being that it was the weekend before the fourth of July there was some fireworks down by the college. Peggy and her husband Joel graciously took us out in the crowds with their large family - I do not know how they do it. We got some good deli sandwiches and found a nice little seat by the lake – not sure what the lake was called but it was right next to the college. Seems like the campus of the UofW – not the Huskies – is right next to downtown. We got the impression that it was about twice the size of Ann Arbor – but very nice and mellow just the same. Peggy gave us a quick driving tour before we hit the fireworks. The fireworks were very crowded but we sat talking on the steps next to the water and watched the sunset. It was very nice and relaxing. All the kids were very well behaved – made much easier by all the food they were eating. By the time the fireworks started Sammie was a zombie and could barely keep her eyes open. Lucas was fading too, but when the fireworks started both kids perked up and watched the show. It was quite nice. As the evening wore on I was introduced to the bugs of the Midwest. First, it was the delightfully quiet and aloof fireflies who lazily buzzed past us then it became the flotilla of gnats that were literally clouding out the light from the lamppost right next to us. Needless to say we were excited when the fireworks ended and we were able to heard our crew out of there. We then headed home excited that tomorrow we would be heading into the final leg of our journey. Until then....

Things we learned today: The Midwest has lots of corn; we do not want to have any more kids.

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