Sunday, July 15, 2007

Day 13 - Rocky Water and aahh...Michigan

Sunday, July 1st, 2007 – we tried to get up and get out of Madison quickly but it was not to be. We had reservations to take the ferry across Lake Michigan at 12:30 and needed to make the quick 75 minute drive to Milwaukee. After some long goodbyes (pictures), a coffee stop, a gas stop, a bathroom stop, a wrong turn (Stella steering us incorrectly and Laura contradicting her as Sammie shouts in the backseat – Dad becomes unhinged and misses the stop – too many voices at once!) - we were finally on the correct road – but with only an hour to get there. We were both pretty stressed considering we had never been to Milwaukee and had no idea where we were going. Stella redeemed herself as we steered passed several breweries and Miller Park where the Brewers play. We made it to the check in process and were probably the 2nd to last car to check in. We had about 10 minutes to stretch and then we were loaded onto the ferry. The ferry itself was much smaller – surprisingly – than most of the ferries I have ridden my whole life in Washington. The day was clear with a little wind so it didn’t appear that it was going to be a rough ride.

The ferry was actually very nice. It had seats like an airplane and a nice food bar. We got some nice panini sandwiches and a beer for dad. They also actually showed a movie on the ride – unfortunaltely for me and the rest of the people on the boat the movie was The Astronaut Farmer. The ride was slated to be about a three-hour tour – a three hour tour – just kidding just a 2 ½ hour ride. The ride started off a little bumpy and moving around was very difficult as the swells rocked the boat quite a bit. We thought it was going to be a temporary thing but it turns out it lasted the entire ride. Not much fun as it limited our ability to walk around with the kids. Lucas was just an accident waiting to happen so we stayed put. At some point we tried to go down to the car to get some things but it turns out that you cannot even go back down to your car – so we rode out the storm in our seats. By the end of the trip Lucas was the loudest person on the boat. Apparently he was not very fond of the coaster ride on Lake Michigan. I did go up on deck briefly and marveled at this huge lake. Not that I have ever been out on the ocean but when you are out in the middle - there is no land in site just water. Incredibly vast for a lake. The trip was also marked by the first of what will I’m sure be many events – Laura ran into someone that she knew on the boat. A roommate of her brothers from college. Pictures, conversation, etc.

The boat arrived on time and we drove off and into our new home state. Mind boggling to think that that is the case now. I have been a Washintonian, Oregonian, Californian, and now I am going to become what I believe is a Michiganer. I guess that is just someone who owns LOTS of down clothing. We were surprised to be greeted off the ferry by Laura’s Uncle Ray, his wife Paula, their two sons, Karl and mike, and Mike’s wife Libby. They had cheerios and beach balls for the kids. It was an excellent welcoming to our new state and gave us a nice feeling as we embarked on the 3 hour drive over to Flushing and the ultimate destination for Sammie: her cousin Olivia’s room – where there lives a whole town of Polly Pockets. Needless to say this leg of the drive seemed the longest as we wound our way East. We finally arrived in Flushing around 7pm with Olivia and Chloe rushing out to meet us and me and Lucas falling to our knees. Our trip was essentially over – but now the crushing rest of the details needed to be taken care of. The kids traveled fine and at that point Laura and I were resigned to let them watch as much and whatever videos they wanted. When we got there we unwound with a few drinks while the kids ran all over the yard and house. Everything had been delivered fine to Peter’s house – the 8 (!) boxes we shipped arrived fine – although they all looked like they had been manhandled by the Samsonite gorilla. The stage was set for Monday and the laundry list of items that we needed to accomplish, before I had to get ready for my interview on Tuesday at the headquarters for Borders books.

What we learned today: Riding the ferry across Lake Michigan is expensive and NOT comfortable. Stella is not ALWAYS right – Laura is.

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